
Webinar: Quantifying Energy Consumption with Virtual Grower

Kale Harbick will discuss work at USDA toward ​updating of the “Virtual Grower” ​program, that can quantify energy consumption associated with greenhouse production. Register Here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ix_whjkrRXK1fvzBhQvGSA

Webinar: U.S. Department of Energy’s NY/NJ Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnership

Dr. Jim Freihaut, Chair of Penn State’s Dept of Architectural Engineering and Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s NY/NJ Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnership (NY/NJ Onsite Energy TAP). This program is funded by federal tax dollars with the goal of helping industrial and other large energy users transition to clean energy, lower costs, reduce […]