A. J. Both, Ph.D.
Trained as an engineer with degrees from Wageningen University (1988) in the Netherlands and Cornell University (1995), he now serves on the faculty in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University as Professor and Extension Specialist. His research focuses on methods and systems to provide the optimum growing environment in protected plant production facilities. He has had a long interest in hydroponics, supplemental lighting and the use of energy in agricultural systems. His research includes projects in growth chambers, greenhouses and high tunnels. He conducts industry outreach through presentations at grower meetings, articles for trade journals, and collaborations with colleagues across the US. He teaches several undergraduate and graduate classes in different curricula at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.
“LED lighting technology provides endless opportunities for new applications in controlled environment crop production systems, but it requires that we almost have to learn all over again how best to provide light to plants.” – A.J. Both