Webinar: Lighting Approaches to Maximize Profit (LAMP) Graduate Student Lightning Talks
Webinar by LAMP researchers. Register Here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_842_Pd8KQciNTv-a96BfJA
Webinar by LAMP researchers. Register Here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_842_Pd8KQciNTv-a96BfJA
Webinar by: Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi, Associate Professor, University of Georgia. Register here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F6_c-1f_TTyFNQ6qd970VA#/registration
Connect with the GLASE team at the first annual CEAg World Conference and Expo August 26-28, 2024, in Raleigh, North Carolina! This event will bring together the broad spectrum of […]
Kale Harbick will discuss work at USDA toward updating of the “Virtual Grower” program, that can quantify energy consumption associated with greenhouse production. Register Here: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ix_whjkrRXK1fvzBhQvGSA
Dr. Jim Freihaut, Chair of Penn State’s Dept of Architectural Engineering and Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s NY/NJ Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnership (NY/NJ Onsite Energy TAP). This […]
Dr. Neil Mattson and Dr. Tim Shelford will host a webinar titled Advanced Plant Lighting Controls: From Theory to Practice. Join us for an overview of lighting controls, the Light […]